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  • Lucy Adie, Osteopath

OsteoBlog: World Days

Every month there are various days dedicated to conditions, causes, diseases & charities.

This month of October there are 3 world days recognising arthritis, the spine and osteoporosis.

12th October is World Arthritis Day.

16th October is World Spine Day.

20th October is World Osteoporosis Day.

I have written blogs in the last few months on all of these topics and they can be found in the archives of the blog section on the website. is the link to these pages.

Have a look and a read and steal all the information and pass it on to anyone who will listen.

Prevention is so much better than cure and osteopaths are heavily involved in the

"pre-hab" field. We can advise patients on the following areas:

Work desk set up

Correct postures when sitting and sleeping

Warming up and cooling down when exercising

Stretching regimes

Muscle imbalances


Recovery from surgery or fractures

The list is not exhaustive. Osteopaths are experts in the field of muscle, joints and bones!

We are not just here to help when you have injured yourself. We can help to prevent the injury by assessing your movement patterns and identifying any risk factors that may predispose you to aches and pains.

Some osteopaths have extra skills and therapies which can be helpful too such as acupuncture, cranial techniques, sports massage, obstetric specialisms or exercise prescription.

There is more to us than meets the eye.

For osteopathy, acupuncture or sports massage in High Wycombe and beyond, call Lucy or Ebony from OsteoFusion on 07833 321604 or visit

Thanks for reading.

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